How To Take Flight

Our mission goes beyond simply getting athletes into competitions; it's about crafting a personalised journey that aligns with your dreams and goals. At Take Flight, we focus on creating a tailored experience that supports you in preparing for and competing in Europe. With our athlete-centric approach, we ensure that every aspect of the process is customised to meet your unique needs, so you return home feeling truly fulfilled.

Our Process

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Step One: Free Consultation

Book in for a free, no-obligation 30 minute consult to discuss all things 'you', Take Flight and your European athletics goals.

Step Two: Prepare

To start networking with competition organisers and handle other logistics for your desired package, we require an upfront payment. Once received, we get to work!

Step Three: Consolidate

We confirm your competition entries and consolidate a detailed itinerary, consulting with you regularly throughout the process.

Step Four: Finalise

After everything is confirmed, we send you all necessary information and documentation via email, followed by a final consultation to discuss details.

Step Five: Support

Our support does not stop there! We’re available to help with any issues or queries while you're in Europe. We’d also love updates on your experience and results. Photos, videos, and testimonials are encouraged, and you can even do a Take Flight Instagram takeover!

Step Six: Maintain

When you return, we catch up to hear about your experience. As a member of the Take Flight family, we’d love to maintain this relationship and follow your progress both on and off the track.